
准备退休? 要问的问题

As you near retirement, it's important to review your plan and make sure you're financially prepared.

随着美国人寿命的延长, 更健康的生活, many baby boomers are pursuing other activities after retirement — 新的职业志愿服务,创业. 如果你打算退休, you'll want to make sure you're financially and emotionally ready for this next phase. The steps you take today could have a profound impact on the kind of life you have down the road.


想想你想要什么样的生活. 你觉得自己住在孩子身边吗? 你想回学校吗? 出差优先吗?? Grab a pen and paper and make a list of everything you're dreaming for the future. 不要担心,如果它看起来不可能-梦想一点点.


A budget might help you determine if you will have enough money in retirement. 你需要列一张基本生活开支的清单. These are expenses that will continue on with you in to retirement and might include housing, 税收和pp王者电子官网.

Then be sure to add in potential long-term care or other health-related expenses. 最后, add in other miscellaneous expenses that might go up — such as travel, 娱乐或者你想做的生意. 你的退休储蓄能维持下去吗? 我们的 退休的计算器 能帮你做决定吗.

Be sure to remember that you might have a reduction in expenses as you may no longer be saving for retirement or commuting to work.


Once you've got your budget figured out, it's time to determine 如果你退休后有足够的收入.

理财专家说,你应该为需要做准备 退休前总收入的80%. So if you've been living on $100,000 annually, you'll need about $80,000 in retirement. 而且数额可能会根据你住的地方而有所不同, 你的健康和你想要维持的生活方式.

然后问你自己—— 这些收入够吗 to fund your fixed expenses along with additional activities? If not, you might want to consider working longer and possibly delaying Social 安全 benefits.


统计数据显示,许多工人简单 还没有为退休存够钱. Consider making catch-up contributions to your retirement accounts. Workers age 50 and over can take advantage of catch-up provisions that allow them to save more in retirement accounts.

In addition, try cutting your current household budget by about 10% and put that money in to savings. 现在就学会少花钱.

找个顾问或许是个好主意. Be sure to do your research and ask family and friends for referrals.


The mix of assets you have today may no longer be appropriate as you head toward retirement. During retirement you will be living off your resources and not a regular paycheck.

That means you'll likely want to adjust your asset allocation to lower your portfolio risk. 保存资本, consider moving some money out of stock funds and into bond funds and cash equivalents.

While the opportunities for growth in your portfolio could be lowered, you might sleep better knowing your retirement dollars are in more stable investments.


Social 安全 typically replaces about 40% of your income. A key decision you'll need to make as you approach retirement is when to claim Social 安全 benefits.

You can start drawing your retirement benefits at any point from age 62 up to age 70, but your benefits will be higher the longer you delay starting.

有用的工具可以在 社会保障局的网站. Visit the site to get a detailed comparison of your retirement benefits at various retirement ages.


医疗保健是一项主要的退休开支. In 2020, it was projected a retiring 65-year old couple would spend 295,000美元的医疗费用 在他们退休的一生中. That number includes Medicare premiums, copays and deductibles – and the amount goes up every year. 这个数字还不包括长期护理费用.

Look at your family medical history and your own health to estimate what your costs might be.

做出退休的决定是件大事. 你会有很多事情要考虑. Starting now might help you to live comfortably during retirement and maybe even enjoy some of those dreams.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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退休后, it is wise to review and adjust your retirement investments to help meet your goals.


You have a good amount saved up, but what will taxes and inflation do to your nest egg? 用我们的退休所得税计算器找出答案.


开始为退休储蓄永远不会太晚. 这里有一些战略性退休计划的建议.


确定, 你可以放松, 但退休后工作能提高智力, 物理, 社会和经济健康.