
How to prevent car accidents in parking lots

Parking lot accidents happen all too often. Here's what you can do to help prevent them.

你刚刚离开了一条交通拥挤的街道,进入了一个相对平静的停车场. Time to relax, right? 不是真正的. Accidents can also happen in parking lots, so try to be extra alert. And though these low-speed collisions are rarely serious, they can be costly, time consuming and aggravating. 以下是在停车场开车时需要考虑的一些预防措施.

Slow down and anticipate the actions of other drivers

Parking lots can be filled with obstacles and 危害但分心的行人和司机往往是最大的危险. 司机可能会横穿空行,开得太快或无视标志和路面标志. Slowing down and avoiding distractions 能帮你争取时间做出反应并可能避免碰撞吗. 转弯和倒车时要特别小心. 打开转向灯,让其他司机和行人知道你的下一步行动.

Keep 行人 in mind

根据 the Governors Highway 安全 Association在美国,行人在2022年的车祸中死亡人数超过7500人. Though 行人 may not be looking out for you, it's still your responsibility to look out for them. 遵守停车场的所有人行横道,并保持警惕的眼睛 行人 who may cross your 车辆's path. When entering particularly high foot-traffic areas, 把你的脚从油门上移开,把脚放在踏板上盖住刹车. 即使你没有看到行人,也要预料到他们,因为他们可能在停着的汽车之间穿梭. If you're in a busy shopping area, 记住,那些拖着一袋袋杂货或其他物品的人也可能是在牵着难以看到的孩子或婴儿车. 注意那些可能跑在父母前面的小孩.

Distance yourself

Door dings and scratches are aggravating and may be hard to avoid. 无论你停车时多么有礼貌和认真, you can fall victim to someone else's carelessness. 降低车门损坏风险的一个方法是将车停在远离其他车辆的地方. This may be inconvenient, 但这比为了不让别人停在你附近而把车停在几个车位上要礼貌得多. And the extra is good exercise!


Many drivers could benefit from moving the side mirrors further out to help minimize blind spots. 如果你的车没有盲点技术,可以考虑在后视镜上安装盲点镜. 当你从停车位倒车时,回头看看你身后可能有什么也很重要. Take advantage of the backup camera and any other technology features like the blind spot warning, if available.

Be extra careful on windy days

强风很容易把门或手推车吹到你的车里,造成凹痕或划痕, 所以要小心留在停车场的购物车. Avoid parking close to shopping cart stalls, 因为有些手推车可能没有固定在摊位上,可能会撞到你的车. 在刮风的天气打开车门时也要小心,以免撞到停车场的另一辆车.

Avoid shopping at peak times

Try to avoid days and times when stores are very busy. 根据 真正的简单的, weekends and days before big events like a snowstorm, a 大游戏 或者一个 假期 are the busiest days. And consider going early or later during the day, 而不是在下午晚些时候,很多人下班或放学后就去购物.


即使你采取了一切预防措施,事故仍然可能发生. That's why it can be important to have collision insurance. 碰撞pp王者电子官网可以为你的车辆的损坏提供pp王者电子官网,不管故障是什么. 这意味着如果有人撞了你的车,或者你不小心撞到了一个物体,你都有pp王者电子官网. A 可扣除的 将.

Who's at fault in a parking lot accident?

Parking lots are often considered private property. 因此,适用于公共道路的法律可能不适用于停车场. 你的pp王者电子官网理算师可能会进行调查,以确定责任.

If you're involved in a parking lot accident, follow the same protocol you would for 任何事故. 如果需要,请联系您所在地区和您所在地区的权威机构 insurance agent as soon as possible to help you through the process.

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