Man having a car mishap

Can someone else drive my car?


生活中有时我们需要让别人借我们的车, 但我们犹豫是否允许他们使用它,因为我们不知道我们是否可以, or if we should. We wonder:

  • Can my babysitter use my car to drive my kids to the swimming pool?
  • Can my friend drive my car?
  • 我的姐夫或其他家庭成员周末可以借我的车吗?
  • Can I drive someone else's car?
  • Will my friend's insurance cover any damages I cause while driving their vehicle?
  • 我的保单是否需要加入不定期司机?

At the heart of it, we want to know, “如果我们给他们许可,他们就会出事故, is it covered by my insurance? 没有在我的pp王者电子官网单上的人开我的车合法吗?"

"Generally, 如果他们在你同意的情况下开车,这不是问题," says Jeanne Salvatore, 公共事务高级副总裁和消费者发言人 Insurance Information Institute. "If it's an occasional use, say I borrow your car to go pick up milk, 只要得到口头许可, you'll typically be covered."

但是,在其他情况下借用汽车可能就不那么明确了. 这取决于你的pp王者电子官网公司和你的保单. For example, 如果司机住在你家里,pp王者电子官网规则和规定可能会有所不同, or should, be listed as a named insured on your policy, but is not; or, 如果司机在你的pp王者电子官网单上被列为排除在外. 那些更复杂的情况需要与你的代理和索赔代表讨论.

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通常情况下,即使开你车的人有自己的pp王者电子官网,你的 pp王者电子官网公司将是赔偿损失的主要付款人 caused by your vehicle; but, 在你的pp王者电子官网赔付之前,开车的人必须在法律上被发现有过错. 司机的pp王者电子官网是次要的,可能包括一些人身伤害或医疗费用. 它也可能提供超出你pp王者电子官网范围的pp王者电子官网, 如果您的车辆造成的损害费用高于您的政策限制.

"When you have someone you employ, such as a nanny or a nurse, who will be a regular, additional driver in your household, contact your insurance agent about your policy," Salvatore recommends. "He or she may need to be added to it."

因为保单条款和州法律可能差别很大, 在把车借出之前,一定要联系你的pp王者电子官网代理人, or other motor vehicle, such as: a motorcycle, boat, personal watercraft, snowmobile, ATV or RV.

塞尔瓦托说:“任何时候你对自己的保单有疑问,都要先给pp王者电子官网代理人打电话。. “你总是想让pp王者电子官网公司知道情况. Get their advice."

就像对待其他事情一样,运用良好的判断力和常识. 确保你充分意识到你可能会给自己带来的责任, and your auto policy, up to before handing over your keys. 塞尔瓦托补充说:“不要对把车借给别人不以为然. “如果你知道某人不是个好司机,在给予许可之前要三思. 他们遇到的任何事故都会记录在你的pp王者电子官网记录上."

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